
Hats Off to Single Parents...

Dave has been on a business trip to Boston for a few days now, and he comes home Friday. I miss my partner in crime. Though many of our usual hours during the week are spent apart, there is comfort in the time we spend together in the evenings, talking, cuddling, making plans, encouraging one another, laughing, cooking dinner together, etc. Sammy has been so sweet and cooperative and my parents have spoiled me by inviting me over for dinner, but nothing compares to having him to lean on. I thought about it while driving to work today: single parents are the real heroes. Men and women who, everyday, do everything on their own...the discipline, the reading, the bath time, the teaching, the cooking, the cleaning, the play time--all of it. At 5 months pregnant, taking care of Sammy on my own for less than a week has been a little tough (especially when you can't really lift a 35 lb. toddler), but that doesn't even remotely compare to what many moms and dads do on their own on a daily basis.

I'm thankful for a supportive husband who gives 100% to his family, but, more importantly, praying for all the single parents who sacrifice so much more than I am required to on a daily basis.

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