
I Love...

A long weekend spent with family can only bring feelings of gratitude. So...in the midst of a little chaos, uncertainty, and messiness that life can sometimes bring, I choose to dwell on the things I love about this life.


...when Sammy plays with my hair while Dave prays before bed time.
...(though sometimes annoying and borderline obsessive) Sammy's incessant chatter about random wild animals and being an animal rescuer.
...my mother's random phone calls.
...that my niece and nephew, though 6+ years older than Sammy, get SO excited to see him and love to play with him.
...picking apples fresh from the tree.
...staying up late planning a budget with my hubby, and having him look to me afterward and say, "I am so glad I get to be on this journey with you."
...moments of potty training success...yes...moments. He is slowly but surely giving up the security of his beloved diapers.
...TUMS...such relief after a delicious meal of lasagna.
...how my dad answers the phone saying "what it be...where it at?" when I call because he thinks I will think it is funny because I work in "the hood"!
...my cat.
...day dreaming about what this next little boy will look like and be like.
...leaves changing colors, pumpkins, and cinnamon sugar donuts.
...feeling my baby move inside and watching my belly move on the outside.
...that God is bringing me through a spiritual valley so I can grow and know Him on a deeper level.
...that nothing in my house really matches and that my toddler's artwork is randomly taped all over doors and walls.
...(in a weird way) stains in and crumbs on the carpet. Though they often drive me nuts, I was reminded this weekend that they are proof that my house may not be perfect, but it is a home.
...my job--even though I feel more like a prison guard than a teacher some days, I know teaching is my secondary purpose.
...when Sammy asks, "where did our friends go" after we drop kids off after church.
...listening to Sammy recite "If You See a Mouse" from memory.
...listening to Sammy "read" a book by starting "once upon a time..." and then make up the story according to the pictures :)
...seeing my dad light up when he sees his grandkids.
...watching my sister take a risk.
...finding a Halloween costume that captures Sammy's character (but slightly sad that this will probably be the last year I will have complete control over this choice in my son's life).
...when Dave makes me laugh over the most ridiculous things.
...that my parents (unlike their parents--my grandparents) embrace being nana and papa. Sammy knows he can simply ask, and nana will give him stove popped popcorn, ice cream, tv, or chocolate milk and papa will give him a ride on the riding lawn mower, will take him in the basement to turn on all of his fancy machines, or will play hide-and-seek! Sammy never wants to leave their house, and I love that he has that (with Dave's mom too!)
...living in Buffalo. Although NYS is corrupt and sooooo expensive to live in, it is home. I love the people, the food (haha), and my life here.
...Sammy's new-found love for music...though not sure how I feel about his love for the drums.
...sun after a lot of rain and rain when things get a little dry.
...television shows that don't rot my brain or corrupt my spirit but make me think about my own life and what I believe (Dr. Edwards would be so proud).
...when my husband washes the dishes.
...that my husband is not obsessed with making Sammy love sports.
...trying new recipes (not sure how Dave feels about it, but I think it is fun!)
...handwritten love notes.
...the frame in our bedroom that says, "Make time for quiet moments as God whispers and the world is loud." Learning to be still...
...dwelling on all the things I have in this life that often get clouded by all the distractions and clutter.

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