
The First Day...

The first day back to school, always difficult for a thousand reasons, always reminds me that I am exactly where God intended me to be. Hugs from students (many feeling the need to rub my new belly), new students asking me to name my unborn child after them (haha), news students from all over the world, colleagues who encourage and provide humor, typically "bad" kids running through the door on time on the first day because even though they are obnoxious and filled with hate at times--they know they are loved and safe, a chance to start over and see kids through new lenses, an opportunity not often given in other districts or areas of the country to share Jesus and be his hands and feet in a public school...I am a blessed woman. I explained to Sammy that I was going to teach some big kids today, and he said, "have fun mama!" He, in turn, was cared for by two amazing women. He walked out of Marie's house with his dinosaur bookbag, beaming and excited to tell me that he got a book baggy to bring home today! Is my life conventional? Not by any means! Do I love what God is doing in my life and in my family's life (though not always what I would choose or the way I would choose)? Definitely. I know there will be challenging days ahead. I know there will be mornings when Sammy is not-so compliant and days when students (and administrators) make me question why I chose teaching in the first place. But I am forever grateful that God continues to open doors that I would NEVER have opened and continues to close the ones I try to break my way through.

So far a great start to a new school year...

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