
Yet God...

This week has been eating away at me. Due to the economy and, especially, NYS's looming budget crisis, Dave is in serious danger of loosing his job. I have spent the last week fighting the anxiety that so badly wants to take over my mind, body, and soul. It is probable that we will find out by this afternoon what the status is of his position. So now we just wait, as we have been since the possibility came to light. Though thoughts of what if, what will we, how will we, and what about have been trying to fill my mind, I have turned to the story of David. There have been and there will be times in life when I plan, I purpose, I intend, and then, as Max Lucado put it, there is the "but God". I planned to teach in a quaint suburb, but God had different plans for me. I purposed to have the perfect classroom with all the perfection mapped out in a Harry Wong teaching manual, but God showed me he had another purpose. I intended to be a stay-at-home mom, but God lead me down His path for my life. When God changed the plans David had set for himself, he followed his "but God" with a "yet God". When he wasn't given what he desired, he dwelt on all that God had given him: "Yet the LORD, the God of Israel, chose me from my whole family to be king over Israel forever. He chose Judah as leader, and from the house of Judah he chose my family, and from my father's sons he was pleased to make me king over all Israel." 1 Chron. 28:4 I look back over my life, and I can see a million times I could say "yet God", so why would now be any different? He has lead me down a path I would have never mapped out for myself, and He has shown me that I am capable, through Him, of so much more than I ever thought I could be, and the very same applies to Dave. So, in the midst of another moment in our lives--when things may not go as planned--I have to say "yet God". I write this not knowing what our situation will be just hours from now. Regardless, I know that he has the Neiss' in His hands. Even more, he Has something great for our family to accomplish, and this is just one of those times to bring Him all the glory.

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