Whoa! Last time I wrote, Sammy was 10 months old. He is almost 20 months old now! I need to be more diligent in keeping up with my blog...haha!
Where do I even begin to update the last 10 months?! Though difficult in its own way, my life seems like a dream right now. I never imagined loving motherhood as much as I do. Though, having an extremely hands-on, supportive, so-in-love-with-his-family hubby doesn't hurt! Sammy is at such a great stage in life...he runs, finds every nook and cranny in his world that he can possibly explore, and is amazed by it all. He finds excitement in every situation. He is genuinely happy (not the fake kind like you get from adults)! He soaks up every moment, repeats every word we say, and has become surprisingly good at communicating: "Poop" when he has pooped, "eat" when he wants to eat, "berry" or "nanna" when he wants some fruit, "Cheerio" when he wants some cereal, "bear" or "dog" when he wants his stuffed animal, "peas", "than you", "i uv you"...the list could go on and on. I never thought I would be so amazed by the simplest things, but as simple as it seems, it is a gift to watch his life unfold. Every day he says something new or discovers something new. He has been such a gift to us. He has taught me to slow down, have patience, and enjoy the ordinary and simple. Some of my greatest moments over the last few months have been in my pajamas, on the floor, covered in dried bananas and snot, laughing hysterically as we knock blocks down over and over again :)
We recently got a bike trailer so we could go on family bike rides. Sammy loves riding! We went for our first ride early last Sunday morning before church, and it was great. The trailer is attached to Dave's bike, so if I got out of Sammy's site, he'd call "mama", and every time Dave went over a bump, Sammy would go "oh no"! I just love that kid :)
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