
So Final.

My friend Kristen sent me a text yesterday. A young girl is pregnant and in need. Kristen was asking if we would be able to give away some baby things since Dave and I are done having kids (something we've made clear!). I was all for it! I always knew when we were done that I wanted to give it all away to bless someone as much as we have been blessed. Dave sent me a cautionary text: "Are you sure you're ready to give it all away? It seems so final." I hadn't really thought about anything except for the fact that we knew--after bringing home Eli--that we were done--for several reasons.

This morning I have been organizing things in Eli's room in an effort to find matching shirts that I bought the boys long before Eli was born!! I started looking around and thought about just giving it all away. Dave was right...it was so final. Part of me enjoys the quiet feedings at 3 am, even though I'm pretty sure the exhaustion at that hour must be similar to being drunk or intoxicated! Haha! I look at the pictures we have hanging all over the house and realize these two little faces that are part me and part Dave are concrete proof of well over a decade of love that only God could have created. They are a legacy of a friendship turned romance turned partners in raising a family that will hopefully light the world on fire for Christ. Are we ready to close the curtain? My brain emphatically says YES! I think my heart will always wonder WHAT IF...Hopefully the two can come to a consensus some time soon!

1 comment:

  1. This gave me a little lump in my throat - I don't know the exact feelings you have, but I think I get it. We are having to trust God in the timing and the process of what are family will look like in the years to come. Let's chat soon, friend! Much love.
