
A Strong Woman and a Thankful Heart

It is unfortunate that you have to wait until you're an adult (and to possibly have children of your own) before you realize the true value of your parents. I take immense pride in my parents because they didn't raise us on good breeding, social status, or a fine inheritance. They are two people, without college educations (barely high school diplomas), who have provided for our family from the ground up. At one point, when I was in high school, I remember my mom working three jobs to make ends meet, and my dad has always worked the dreaded night shift. BUT...they were involved in every concert, dance recital, youth retreat, birthday party, graduation, and they continue to do the same for their grandchildren (even more so!). They weren't raised in the church, either. They were "saved" after my sister was born, and so their parenting style was strict because they knew, first hand, what temptations were waiting around every corner for us. I didn't appreciate it then, but as I look back, I realize all the harm my parents kept me from.

In recent years, my mother's health has deteriorated. She had a stroke a few years back, followed by cancer, serious pneumonia that put her in the hospital for almost a week, as well as numerous other medical complications that have resulted from all of these events. Her lungs are scanned periodically for cancer, and her brain is checked regularly for signs of another stroke. It isn't easy to sit by and watch your parents age. I've always, always, always looked forward to my parents as grandparents because I didn't really have involved grandparents. My parents, as strict as they were as parents, are anything but as grandparents. Sammy gets ice cream, cookies, candy, movies, toys...you name the thing that parents generally say "no" to, and my parents provide it! My mom has lost about 35 pounds in the last two months or so. Normally, this would be something to rejoice over--my mom has struggled with her weight all of her life. However, this weight loss is because of the overwhelming stress of her job. My dad is months away from retirement, and my mom is still two years away; however, her doctor told her that if she doesn't leave this job, she will most definitely have a heart attack. So, with faith, my mother put in her resignation this week, and she will start a new job in December. She is taking a 50% pay cut with this job, but it will be a job that will probably save her life.

It is interesting being on this side of life. I appreciate that my parents never hide every single problem from us. We saw them fight. We saw them struggle financially. We watched them prosper, and we've watched as they have gotten older and had to make difficult choices. I thank God that He continues to prove that He is in control. I thank God for parents who put their faith in a God who sees the whole picture. I pray He continues to keep them, and I pray he blesses this incredibly strong mother of mine. My mother is a feisty combination of tell-it-like-it-is and complete love, and I never really appreciated that until recently.

And so...as Thanksgiving approaches, I will end this post with an attempt to list some of the things that leave me speechless.

I am GRATEFUL for...
  1. Parents who I still learn from and respect, yet I feel at this point in my life are "friends"
  2. An older sister--and best friend--who is a constant example of humility and strength
  3. A husband whose heart is so big, it may jump out of his chest! I thank God that, despite all that Dave has been through in his life, he has a heart that is modeled after the heart of Christ. I learn from him every day.
  4. My (almost) two children :) God has used them to teach me more than I will ever be able to teach them. God has used motherhood to reveal a lot of Himself and a lot of who I am and who I should strive to be. I am proud of my family, and I am excited about raising two courageous men :)
  5. My mother-in-law...the kindest, sweetest, most loving, most forgiving woman you will ever meet. She makes Mother Theresa look like an average Joe! Haha!
  6. My job...I am blessed, though some days are really hard, to work in a place that gives me so much joy in the midst of many storms. Even on the most difficult days, I am able to see what God sees in some of the most hate-filled, angry, broken teenagers you've ever met. It is a miracle to look into a teen's eyes--one who has seen death, murder, abandonment, abuse--and see what God sees. God has really shown me His ability to move in the darkest situations. You really lose all sense of inward thinking when you work in an environment that has so much need. It has really changed my life--though the daily grind can sometimes be challenging.
  7. For a Savior who continues to bring me through valley and mountain-top experiences--I thank God that He has brought me to a point in life where I've realized that it has nothing to do with where I am, who I am with, or what I am doing. It has to do with Him--wherever I go, whatever I do, whomever I am with--am I drawing people to His glory?!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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