
One little boy's obsession...

Every parent, whether they seem fit or not in the eyes of others, has dreams for his or her children. I watch Sammy play and feel my second born move inside, and I wonder what the future holds for these two boys...I wonder what plan God has for their lives. I can dream a thousand dreams for my children, but God knows the passion He has planted inside both of them.

As pastor spoke about Nehemiah and believing in the impossible and the burdens God gives us, I began to think about my two year old and his passion for wild animals. The other day, while he sat and played with his lion, elephant, and giraffe, he looked at Dave and I and declared that he wanted to go to Africa! I didn't know Sammy even knew Africa existed--I'm sure he heard about it on one of his National Geographic shows. I can't help but wonder, as a parent with great dreams for my children, if this little boy's obsession with the wild is the beginning of a greater plan that God will one day carry out in Sammy's life for His glory? Maybe he will work for animal conservation, maybe he will work to feed the hungry, maybe he will be a missionary to some distant tribe in the savannah.

Whatever my children become...whatever path they take...whatever job they do, I pray that God would birth in them a passion that is driven by bringing Him glory. And I pray that Dave and I are examples of that passion lived out on a daily basis...in our workplaces, in our home, in our church, and in our community.

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